It is easy to increase the fiber in your diet—it just takes a little thought and some action. diet. The best option is to increase your consumption of fiber-rich foods--that way, you're getting your fiber as well as the other beneficial components of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, etc. Another option is to take fiber supplements, such as glucomannan and psyllium.
Here are a few ideas to help you get on track to 30 grams of fiber a day. :
When you begin to increase the fiber in your diet, take it slow. ! Increasing too quickly can upset your intestinal tract and you may experience gas, bloating, cramps, or even constipation or diarrhea. By increasing your fiber intake just a few grams a day, your intestinal tract will have time to adjust. Other tips to help minimize upset include:
American Dietetic Association website. Available at: . Accessed February 19, 2009.
Fiber. American Heart Association website. Available at: . Accessed February 19, 2009.
Flax—a healthy food. Flax Council of Canada website. Available at: Accessed April 21, 2010.
Flaxseed. EBSCO Natural and Alternative Treatments website. Available at: Updated February 2010. Accessed April 21, 2010.
Shamliyan T, Jacobs D, Raatz S, Nordstrom D, Keenan J. Are your patients with risk of CVD getting the viscous soluble fiber they need? Journal of Family Practice. 2006;9:761-769. EBSCO Consumer Health Complete website. Available at: Published September 2006. Accessed April 20, 2010.
It is easy to increase the fiber in your diet. The best option is to increase your consumption of fiber-rich foods--that way, you're getting your fiber as well as the other beneficial components of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, etc. Another option is to take fiber supplements, such as glucomannan and psyllium.
Here are a few ideas to help you get on track to 30 grams of fiber a day:
When you begin to increase the fiber in your diet, take it slow! Increasing too quickly can upset your intestinal tract and you may experience gas, bloating, cramps, or even constipation or diarrhea. By increasing your fiber intake just a few grams a day, your intestinal tract will have time to adjust. Other tips to help minimize upset include:
Health experts recommend eating a minimum of 20-30 grams of fiber daily. This includes both soluble and insoluble fiber. Most Americans eat about 11-15 grams a day—about half of what is recommended. A quick internet search will provide you with lists of how much fiber you can find in common foods.
Most people know that fiber is an important part of a healthy diet. Fiber has been found to have numerous health benefits, from supporting bowel regularity to lowering cholesterol. Fiber might also help prevent serious diseases such as diabetes and cancer.
When it comes to increasing fiber in your diet, think plants--grains, fruits and vegetables, and beans, seeds, nuts and legumes. Fiber is found only in plants. It is from the plant cells, particularly the cell walls. The plant fiber that we eat is called dietary fiber. It is unique from other components of the plant because humans lack the enzymes necessary to digest it.
There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble means that when the fiber is mixed with a liquid, it forms a gel-like solution. Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, does not mix with liquid, and it passes through the digestive tract largely intact. Both types of fiber help maintain bowel regularity.
Flaxseed, a source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, has being studied for its ability to lower cholesterol and decrease constipation. Researchers are also investigating whether these seeds have anti-cancer properties. Just one tablespoon of ground flaxseed provides 2.2 grams of total fiber, as well as 1.8 grams of alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 fatty acid.
You See the chitosan article and the glucommanan article for more information on these forms of fiber.
As for soluble fiber, you can incorporate more soluble fiber into your diet by taking supplements and/or increasing your intake of foods that are good sources of soluble fiber, such:
A typical dose of oat bran is 5 to 10 g with each meal and at bedtime; psyllium is taken at 10 g with each meal. For improving total and LDL cholesterol, studies have found benefit with beta-glucan at doses ranging from 3 to 15 grams daily. However, benefits have been seen more consistently at the higher end of this range, and one carefully designed study found no benefit at 3 grams daily.33
Beta-glucan products can contain molecules of various average lengths (molecular weight). Some manufacturers claim superior benefits with either high or low molecular weight versions. However, one study failed to find any difference between high molecular weight and low molecular weight beta-glucan for normalizing cholesterol and blood sugar levels.34
A comprehensive review combining the results of 14 studies found that glucomannan significantly reduced total and LDL cholesterol levels.289
Many studies indicate that water-soluble fiber supplements lower cholesterol.253,263,291 Keep in mind that the bulk of the supporting evidence for this theory comes from studies of oats conducted by manufacturers of oat products.255
Current evidence suggests that if chitosan does offer any benefits, they are minimal at best.84-92,147,148,187,197,225-226,285
Water-soluble fiber supplements (such as psyllium, hydroxymethylcellulose and its relatives, and beta glucan from oats) are thought to lower cholesterol, and the FDA has permitted products containing this form of fiber to carry a "heart-healthy" label.31 It must be kept in mind, however, that the bulk of the supporting evidence for this theory comes from studies of oats conducted by manufacturers of oat products.255
Glucomannan, a dietary fiber derived from the tubers of Amorphophallus konjac, has been shown to significantly reduce total and LDL cholesterol levels.
Chitosan, a type of insoluble fiber derived from crustacean shells, has been proposed for reducing cholesterol levels. Research is not yet very encouraging for using chitosan for this purpose.
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Experts believe that soluble fiber reduces cholesterol levels by increasing excretion of cholesterol from the digestive tract. This affects two forms of cholesterol: cholesterol from food, and, more importantly, cholesterol from the blood “recycled” by the liver through the intestines.
Because it occurs naturally in foods and is a part of most people's regular diet, fiber is considered to be generally safe at normal amounts. Some people do experience digestive upset (stomach ache, cramps, and/or diarrhea) when they increase their intake of fiber. To avoid this, increase your intake gradually so your body has time to adjust.
There are some theoretical concerns about the use of beta-glucan and its potential effects on the immune system. For more information, see the the Side Effects & Warnings section of the beta glucan article.
See the chitosan article and the glucommanan article for more information on these forms of fiber.
As for soluble fiber, you can incorporate more into your diet by taking supplements and/or increasing your intake of foods that are good sources of soluble fiber, such:
A typical dose of oat bran is 5 to 10 g with each meal and at bedtime; psyllium is taken at 10 g with each meal. For improving total and LDL cholesterol, studies have found benefit with beta-glucan at doses ranging from 3 to 15 grams daily. However, benefits have been seen more consistently at the higher end of this range, and one carefully designed study found no benefit at 3 grams daily.33
Beta-glucan products can contain molecules of various average lengths (molecular weight). Some manufacturers claim superior benefits with either high or low molecular weight versions. However, one study failed to find any difference between high molecular weight and low molecular weight beta-glucan for normalizing cholesterol and blood sugar levels.34
Because it occurs naturally in foods and is a part of most people's regular diet, fiber is considered to be generally safe at normal amounts. Some people do experience digestive upset (stomach ache, cramps, and/or diarrhea) when they increase their intake of fiber. To avoid this, increase your intake gradually so your body has time to adjust.
There are some theoretical concerns about the use of beta-glucan and its potential effects on the immune system. For more information, see the the Side Effects & Warnings section of the beta glucan article.
A comprehensive review combining the results of 14 studies found that glucomannan significantly reduced total and LDL cholesterol levels.289
Many studies indicate that water-soluble fiber supplements lower cholesterol.253,263,291 Keep in mind that the bulk of the supporting evidence for this theory comes from studies of oats conducted by manufacturers of oat products.255
Current evidence suggests that if chitosan does offer any benefits, they are minimal at best.84-92,147,148,187,197,225-226,285
See the chitosan article and the glucommanan article for more information on these forms of fiber.
As for soluble fib fiber, you can incorporate more into your diet by taking supplements and/or increasing your intake of foods that are good sources of soluble fiber, such:
A typical dose of oat bran is 5 to 10 g with each meal and at bedtime; psyllium is taken at 10 g with each meal. For improving total and LDL cholesterol, studies have found benefit with beta-glucan at doses ranging from 3 to 15 grams daily. However, benefits have been seen more consistently at the higher end of this range, and one carefully designed study found no benefit at 3 grams daily.33
Beta-glucan products can contain molecules of various average lengths (molecular weight). Some manufacturers claim superior benefits with either high or low molecular weight versions. However, one study failed to find any difference between high molecular weight and low molecular weight beta-glucan for normalizing cholesterol and blood sugar levels.34
Water-soluble fiber supplements (such as psyllium, hydroxymethylcellulose and its relatives, and beta glucan from oats) are thought to lower cholesterol, and the FDA has permitted products containing this form of fiber to carry a "heart-healthy" label.31 It must be kept in mind, however, that the bulk of the supporting evidence for this theory comes from studies of oats conducted by manufacturers of oat products.255
Glucomannan, a dietary fiber derived from the tubers of Amorphophallus konjac, has been shown to significantly reduce total and LDL cholesterol levels.
Chitosan, a type of insoluble fiber derived from crustacean shells, has been proposed for reducing cholesterol levels. Research is not yet very encouraging for using chitosan for this purpose.
Experts believe that soluble fiber reduces cholesterol levels by increasing excretion of cholesterol from the digestive tract. This affects two forms of cholesterol: cholesterol from food, and, more importantly, cholesterol from the blood “recycled” by the liver through the intestines.