An Ayurvedic perspective indicates that acne is an imbalance in the dosha, most likely a Pitta imbalance (although there can be imbalances in Vata and Kapha too). Ayurveda calls acne symptoms “Tarunya Pitika” (the pimples on the face during adolescence) or “Mukhadusika” (one which spoils or disfigures the face).1
Ayurvedic medicine has shown some promise for acne. One study evaluated the potential benefits of Bhavapraksha formulation, an herbal combination containing the following constituents: Aloe barbadensis, Azardirachta indica, Curcuma longa, Hemidesmus indicus, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia arjuna, and Withania somnifera.
An Ayurvedic perspective indicates that acne is an imbalance in the dosha, most likely a Pitta imbalance (although there can be imbalances in Vata and Kapha too). Ayurveda calls acne symptoms “Tarunya Pitika” (the pimples on the face during adolescence) or “Mukhadusika” (one which spoils or disfigures the face).1
Ayurvedic medicine has shown some promise for acne. One study evaluated the potential benefits of Bhavapraksha formulation, an herbal combination containing the following constituents: Aloe barbadensis, Azardirachta indica, Curcuma longa, Hemidesmus indicus, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia arjuna, and Withania somnifera.
Lalla, Nandedkar, Paranjape, and Talreja conducted a A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in 2001 that 1 explored the internal and external formulations outlined in the Bhavaprakasha and Charak Samhita. 52
Fifty-two subjects were divided into four groups: 1) active oral tablets and active topical gel, 2) active oral tablets and active topical cream, 3) active oral tablet and placebo topical preparation, and 4) placebo tablet and placebo topical preparation. They used a preparation of aloe barbadensis, azardirachta indica, curcyma longa, hemidesmus indicus, terminalia chebula, terminalia arjua, and withania somnifera for the gel and cream topical preparation. They used the same ingredients plus piper longum for the oral tablets. They found that the combined treatments of group 1 and 2 had better results than the oral tablets alone. For example, in group 1, 32% of patients showed “good to excellent” improvements and 63% showed “slight to fair” improvements. In group 2, 58% showed “good to excellent” and 26% showed “slight to fair.” In group 3, the results were 100% “slight to fair” and in Group 4, there were no improvements 1topical and oral use of the herbal preparation (groups 1 and 2) significantly improved acne symptoms. Oral treatment alone was not effective.