The findings of one study suggest that aloe-based creams are more effective than gels.8 Topical aloe vera cream typically contains 0.5% aloe and is applied three times daily.
Aloe vera cream may be helpful for psoriasis, according to a double-blind study performed in Pakistan that enrolled 60 men and women with mild to moderate symptoms of psoriasis.19 Participants were treated with either topical Aloe vera extract (0.5%) or a placebo cream, applied 3 times daily for 4 weeks. Aloe treatment produced significantly better results than placebo, and these results were said to endure for almost a year after treatment was stopped. The study authors also reported a high level of complete "cure," but what exactly they meant by this was not reported clearly.
However, a follow-up study of 40 people that attempted to replicate these results failed to find aloe more effective than placebo.29
The succulent aloe plant has been valued since prehistoric times for the treatment of skin problems, from rashes to wounds to burns. Aloe vera cream may be helpful for treating psoriasis.
Aloe vera cream may be helpful for psoriasis, according to a double-blind study performed in Pakistan that enrolled 60 men and women with mild to moderate symptoms of psoriasis.19 Participants were treated with either topical Aloe vera extract (0.5%) or a placebo cream, applied 3 times daily for 4 weeks. Aloe treatment produced significantly better results than placebo, and these results were said to endure for almost a year after treatment was stopped. The study authors also reported a high level of complete "cure," but what exactly they meant by this was not reported clearly.
However, a follow-up study of 40 people that attempted to replicate these results failed to find aloe more effective than placebo.29
The succulent aloe plant has been valued since prehistoric times for the treatment of skin problems, from rashes to wounds to burns. Aloe vera cream may be helpful for treating psoriasis.
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The exact effect of aloe vera on psoriasis is not clear. Aloe is generally regarded as a soothing balm that can enhance the healing of skin irritations and wounds, though research evidence for this is not strong.
The succulent aloe plant has been valued since prehistoric times for the treatment of skin problems, from rashes to wounds to burns. oriasis Aloe vera cream may be helpful for treating psoriasis.
The exact effect of aloe vera on psoriasis is not clear. Aloe is generally regarded as a soothing balm that can enhance the healing of skin irritations and wounds, though research evidence for this is not strong.
The findings of one study suggest that aloe-based creams are more effective than gels.8 Topical aloe vera cream typically contains 0.5% aloe and is applied three times daily.
The succulent aloe plant is famous as a treatment for burns and minor wounds. Two studies suggest that aloe vera has potential value in the treatment of herpes infections, including cold sores. Aloe-based products might help shorten the duration of a cold sore outbreak.
Both of the following studies were done on aloe vera and genital herpes. While Although cold sores (oral herpes) are not caused by the same virus as genital herpes, the viruses are similar, so these research findings may be applicable to cold sore treatment.
A 2-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial enrolled 60 men with active genital herpes.7 Participants applied aloe cream (0.5% aloe) or placebo cream 3 times daily for 5 days. Use of aloe cream reduced the time necessary for lesions to heal and also increased the percentage of individuals who were fully healed by the end of 2 weeks.
A previous double-blind, placebo-controlled study by the same author enrolling 120 men with genital herpes found that aloe cream was more effective than pure aloe gel or placebo.8 The author theorized that the oily constituents in the cream improved aloe absorption.
The exact effect of aloe vera on cold sores is not clear. There are a couple of possible explanations. First, aloe is generally regarded as a soothing balm that can enhance the healing of wounds, though research evidence for this is not strong. Second, aloe might aid in cold sore treatment based on antiviral properties--one of the constituents of aloe gel, acemannan, has shown some promise in test tube and animal studies for stimulating immunity and inhibiting the growth of viruses.11,12
The findings of one study suggest that aloe-based creams are more effective than gels.8 Topical aloe vera cream typically contains 0.5% aloe and is applied three times daily.