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Answered Melanoma in Lymph nodes - help 13 years ago

Hi Mike,

Thankyou so much for taking the time to reply to me, it is very difficult to find any one with any experience of melanoma.

Please let me know if you find any successful supplements etc that help with fertility, I have read that melatonin can interfere with ovulation.

Did you wife take take a general multivitamin along with those others you mentioned? If theres anything else you can think of supplement wise etc that you think maybe help please let me know.

Thanks again for your help..

Hi Mike,

Thankyou so much for taking the time to reply to me, it is very difficult to find any one with any experience of melanoma.

Please let me know if you find any successful supplements...

Answered Melanoma in Lymph nodes - help 13 years ago


Many thanks for your response i will definately have a look at your suggested resources.

I think one of the hardest things i cant get my head around is that i have been told that after i have all of my lymph nodes removed from under my arm, there is bascially nothing futher they can do apart from a visual mole check and feel of my remaining lymph nodes every 3 months (which i have no faith in now as i was having this before and it didnt get picked up)

I feel like im just going to be waiting around like a 'sitting duck' for a secondary tumour to develop. (i had a ct scan done a couple of weeks ago though which came back clear apart from the tumour in my lymph node)

Is there anything you can recomend in the way of asking for any futher tests/treatment? I have been told a pet scan isnt suitable (although i dont see why) and there are no blood tests that can detect if i have any futher cancer cells/small areas in my body.

I know it depends on if they find anything else in the remaining nodes but before this diagnoses my husband and I were going through a long fertility road which we have just got to the end of by being told we were eligable & going to be given medications to help us get pregnant. I am 38 so i dont want to leave it much longer. I have no idea what to do, i feel there must be some test they could do to see if there is anymore cancer in my body before i try and get pregnant.

Many Thanks for all your help...


Many thanks for your response i will definately have a look at your suggested resources.

I think one of the hardest things i cant get my head around is that i have been told that after i...
