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Shared experience with Diabetes Type 2 and Biquanide 12 years ago

I use metformin and glyburide and keep my A1C numbers between 5.7 and 6.1.

Shared experience with Diabetes Type 2 and Secretagogues 12 years ago

Glyburide definitely helps my fasting numbers. I have kept my A1C between 5.7 and 6.1 over the last 8 years.

Shared experience with Apple Cider Vinegar 12 years ago

I use apple cider vinegar (actually any vinegar - balsamic, red wine, white) to treat leg/ankle/foot cramps, principally at night. Take a good swig of vinegar at the onset of night cramps and within 20-30 seconds they are gone. I have done this for 18 years and it has never failed to work. I had tried walking, massaging, running water (some of it tears) over them and they would continue up to an hour in time. I read this somewhere (no idea where) and I hobbled to the kitchen, took a swig and by the time I had returned to the bedroom, the cramps were gone. I always said that if one time it didn't work - I wouldn't have to swig the vinegar, but it works everytime. It has taken up to a couple of minutes (rarely). I have had to use pickle juice, worked okay (not as fast). I am a diabetic.

I use apple cider vinegar (actually any vinegar - balsamic, red wine, white) to treat leg/ankle/foot cramps, principally at night. Take a good swig of vinegar at the onset of night cramps and within...

Commented on Pancreatic Cancer and CAAT Diet 12 years ago

Glad to hear that. It was one of the sentences that popped out at me when I was reading that. How do they know? Can I have the reference?