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Cervical Cancer and Blessed Thistle

Written by sshowalter, FoundHealth.

Blessed thistle has a long history of use in European herbal medicine. All parts of the above-ground plant are used medicinally. The herb was used primarily for digestive problems, including heartburn, gastritis, burping, constipation, and flatulence. Blessed thistle was used for liver and gallbladder diseases and is a component of the famous herbal combination therapy Essiac, widely used as a treatment for cancer; this is in part why it is suggested as being possibly beneficial in the treatment of cervical cancer.

Blessed Thistle is among the various natural herbs and supplements said to possibly improve the odds of early stages of dysplasia changing back to normal cells. If your physician suggests watchful waiting and a repeat examination, it should be safe to try some of these herbs, like blessed thistle, during the waiting period.

Additionally, to black cohosh, false unicorn, and motherwort, are among the herbs said to be possibly useful in the treatment of early stages of cervical cancer.

Effect of Blessed Thistle on Cervical Cancer

In some instances, people use Blessed Thistle to help treat dfferent forms of cancer, including Cervical Cancer.

Read more details about Blessed Thistle.

How to Use Blessed Thistle

A typical dose of blessed thistle is 2 grams two or three times daily.

Safety Issues

Although comprehensive safety studies have not been performed, blessed thistle is believed to be safe. However, cross-reactions are possible among people allergic to plants in the daisy family.

Safety in young children, pregnant or nursing women, or people with severe liver or kidney disease has not been established.

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