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The common burdock, that well-known source of annoying burrs matted in dogs' fur, is also a medicinal herb of considerable reputation. Called gobo**in Japan, burdock root is said to be a food that provides deep strengthening to the immune system. In ancient China and India, herbalists used it in the treatment of respiratory infections, abscesses, and joint pain. European physicians of the Middle Ages and later used it to treat cancerous tumors, skin conditions, venereal disease, and bladder and kidney problems.
Burdock was a primary ingredient in the famous (or infamous) Hoxsey cancer treatment. Harry Hoxsey was a former coal miner who parlayed a traditional family remedy for cancer into the largest privately owned cancer treatment center in the world, with branches in 17 states. (It...
Burdock is widely recommended for the relief of dry, scaly skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis . It is also used for treating acne . It can be taken internally as well as applied directly to the skin. Burdock is sometimes recommended for rheumatoid arthritis . Unfortunately, there is as yet no real scientific evidence for any of these uses.
Safety Issues
As a food commonly eaten in Japan (it is often found in sukiyaki), burdock root is believed to be safe. However, in 1978, the Journal of the American Medical Associationcaused a brief scare by publishing a report of burdock poisoning. Subsequent investigation showed that the herbal product involved was actually contaminated with the poisonous chemical atropine from an unknown source. 1 Safety in young children, pregnant or nursing women, or those with severe liver or kidney disease is not established.
Interactions You Should Know About
If you are taking insulinor oral medications to reduce blood sugar ,it is possible that burdock will increase its effect. 2