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How to set goals and aspirations and stick to accomplishing them

It may not be all that shocking that more than half of resolutions fail, however, there are some steps to take and precautions to allow that not to happen to you. In 2022, you deserve to make the necessary improvements to your life and what surrounds you. It can be easy to get stuck in the long-term goals or maybe even goals that do not personally matter to us but are pushed by others. Living healthier lives and therefore happier lives start with little habits and small additions and subtractions. Think about what really could use some fixing right now, what obstacles could be avoided, and what dreams and wishes have been lingering for a long time, but have yet to be conquered.

A good place to start is self-care, there is not one person that cannot improve their self-care practices, especially in today’s trying and uncertain world. You may be surprised at how the addition and perpetuation of small wellness practices can greatly improve your overall livelihood. Make a pact with yourself to practice at least fifteen minutes of yoga per day, twenty sun salutations, ten minutes of meditation every morning, walking for thirty minutes per day, or hiking at least once a week. Your wellness practices will be unique to you and what you want to bring this new year.

Journaling is for everyone and can help you better understand yourself and release negative thoughts and feelings. Maybe, think about if forgiveness, gratitude, or generosity could play a larger role in your life. Journal one thing every day or every week that you are thankful for, something you can improve, someone or something you forgive, and a person or cause you could help.

Start here and try to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound when thinking about goals for the new year. This can help narrow down the many factors which usually go into actually achieving a goal or changing a behavior. This can greatly improve positive follow-through with resolutions.

Another important consideration when setting goals for 2022, is what can you do to improve your carbon footprint. Can you start using reusable containers, shopping second-hand, donating old items, or reducing waste when you can? Be specific!

For every goal or resolution you think of, and it is recommended to write them down, say them out loud, or both. Additionally, think of many steps or ways that these goals can be met. More often than not, consistency and direction can be the answer to your problems. Even if for a short time per day or per week, how can you spend a certain amount of time becoming a better you or working towards your dream? Believe in yourself and the powerful rewards that consistency and goal setting can bring to your life.

Here are some useful tips from 10 Scientifically Proven Ways to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions by Jordan Rosenfeld  


  1. To feel more fulfilled, volunteer.
  2. To increase discipline, reduce “activation effort” or make things more time effective- even if only by 20 seconds
  3. To be more creative, make art when you’re happy.
  4. To be more creative, take more breaks.
  5. To experience greater happiness, travel more.
  6. To quit smoking or drinking, don’t go at it alone.
  7. To lose weight, stop focusing on the weight.
  8. To save more money, restrict your access to it.
  9. To form new habits, give them time to stick.
  10. Choose some resolutions that don’t require willpower. Try starting with things that you can add to your life- like new activities or healthy recipes, then focus on those resolutions that require taking away components of your life, if you want.

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