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31 Treatments for Cervical Cancer

Dear Cervical Cancer Awareness Community- is excited to be contributing to the mission of the Cervical Cancer Awareness group. FoundHealth’s goal is to help women deal with Cervical Cancer by providing treatment resources that are both medicinal and natural. FoundHealth provides treatments spanning the disciplines of medicine, herbs, diet, mind, body, and spirit. In addition, the community can share treatment reviews on how treatments like chemotherapy or yoga worked during their battle with Cervical Cancer.

To start sharing your treatment experiences with Cervical Cancer, simply create a free account at FoundHealth. If you have tried any of these treatments, we encourage you to leave a review and empower other women who are making tough treatment decisions. Sign up here: Create Account. 

We currently host 31 treatments for Cervical Cancer. See them here: 31 Cervical Cancer Treatments. These include the treatments listed below:


FoundHealth currently hosts 8 medicine treatments for Cervical Cancer. These include:

-       Radiation
-       Chemotherapy
-       Hysterectomy
-       Cryosurgery
-       Cauterization
-       Laser Surgery
-       Robotic Surgery
-       Biological Therapy

Also, a list of questions to ask your doctor about Cervical Cancer.

Herbs/Diet & Cervical Cancer


4 herbs are listed on FoundHealth as treatments for Cervical Cancer, including:

-       Motherwort
-       False Unicorn
-       Black Cohosh
-       Blessed Thistle


6 dietary supplements are listed as viable treatments for Cervical Cancer, including:

-       Folate
-       Indole-3-Carbinol
-       Beta-Carotene
-       Vitamin C
-       Vitamin B6
-       Selenium

Body & Cervical Cancer


Body oriented treatments are crucial for batting Cervical Cancer. Treatments include:

-       Acupuncture
-       Yoga
-       Exercise
-       Resting

Mind & Cervical Cancer


There is a lot of evidence that your mind can have a very positive effect on the success of the treatment of cancer. Strategies include:

-       Music Therapy
-       Psychotherapy
-       Hypnotherapy
-       Meditation
-       Stress Management
-       Imagery and Visualization
-       Positive Attitude and Thinking
-       Support

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