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Betaine Hydrochloride
What is it? Overview Usage Side Effects and Warnings

What is Betaine Hydrochloride?

When taken as a supplement, betaine hydrochloride provides extra hydrochloric acid in the stomach. A major branch of alternative medicine known as naturopathy has long held that low stomach acid is a widespread problem that interferes with digestion and the absorption of nutrients. Betaine hydrochloride is one of the most common recommendations for this proposed condition, along with the more folksy choice of apple cider vinegar.

Betaine without the hydrochloride molecule attached is also sold as a supplement. In this chemically different form, it is called trimethylglycine (TMG). TMG is not acidic, and it has completely different properties. (For more information, see the TMG article.)

Based on theories about the importance of stomach acid to overall health, betaine hydrochloride has been recommended for a wide variety of problems, including: asthma , digestive problems , excess candida , food allergies , hay fever , lupus , rheumatoid arthritis , and many other conditions. When one sees such broadly encompassing uses, it is not surprising to find that there is as yet no real scientific research on its effectiveness for any of these conditions.

Many naturopathic physicians also believe that betaine hydrochloride can heal ulcers and esophageal reflux (heartburn) . This sounds paradoxical, since conventional treatment for those conditions involves reducing stomach acid, while betaine hydrochloride increases it. However, according to one theory, lack of stomach acid...

Safety Issues

Betaine hydrochloride should not be used by those with ulcers or esophageal reflux (heartburn) except on the advice of a physician. This supplement seldom causes any obvious side effects, but it has not been put through rigorous safety studies. In particular, safety for young children, pregnant or nursing women, or those with severe liver or kidney disease has not been established.
