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Experiences with Andrographis

2 people have experienced Andrographis. Have you?

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2 people have tried Andrographis 0 people have prescribed Andrographis
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Posted 12 years ago

I capsulized the dried leaves of andrographis paniculata and make myself as a guinea pig. In vivo effect shows my immune system becomes strong againts viral infections and it also expels my intramuscular parasites, i.e. ringworm. I am Danilo Signo, from Manila, Phillipines

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vikdad1 12 years ago

Thanks for sharing! Great experimentation - testing yourself in the name of science, I like it!

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Posted 9 years ago

I have only used one tablet full spectrum Andrographis 400mg pr. day , but is seems even this low dosage helps against flu and cold symptoms. I have been around highly contagious kids and adults, but have so far this winter been very healthy. About 1/2-1 hour after taking it I get nauseous, so I find I have to take it with food. Something sour really helps.. like an orange.

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