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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair
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6 people have tried Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair 1 person has prescribed Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair
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Posted 13 years ago

Since I'm typing that I have tried it, this is proof it works. I was cut and opened up like an oyster, thank goodness they didn't shuck me! Hat's off to Dr. Alexander Shepard at Henry Ford / Detroit. Because I am a 'Marf' (Marfan Syndrome) my body has an array of malformations and goofy factors that Dr. Shepard and his team had to work around. After 2 weeks of extensive testings the operation was a go. 12 - 14 hours in surgery, a graft was set within the bulk of my decending aorta. (approx 16"?) Was out of it for 8 days and another 2 months before I was set free to go home. Almost 1 1/2 years to heal up abd now it's 3 1/2 years later.
Upon hospital admission my descending aorta was approx. 7.4cm and now it's somewhere around 2.8cm on average. A combo of high blood pressure meds (cozaar & atenelol) for 2 years the just the cozaar/generic losartan of 1 pill a day along with an asperin was my only medication. This combo has helped Marf kids avoid the dance I and other Marfs dance.

Now trying Hawthorn syrup to keep the trend in my favor, and with Gods grace and mercy I'll be walking on this side of the dirt and appreciating this gift of Life.

A note to any Doctors - If your patient have any sort of scoliosis, listen to their complaints of not being able to lay flat on their backs. If surgury allows, give them necessary propping up and at least in Post Op DO NOT allow them to recoup flat on their backs if their surgery doesn't mandate that. Although it may be a good form of pain transference, it will create a painful and terrible obstacle in the healing process. My spine went from about 44º off kilter to 66º in less than 1 year to which it remains today. That was my worst memory of the AAA repair aside from the nurse in post op tied me down flat when I wrote to him my scoliosis was driving me crazy. (was on breathing machine and couldn't talk) I still want to clean that nurses clock.

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Posted 2 years ago

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