FoundHealth Help
How do I become a contributor to FoundHealth?
If you have a strong background in health & wellness and are looking to build your reputation, you can enroll in FoundHealth's Health Coach program that enables you to be exposed to FoundHealth's community. This is how it works:
Step 1: Create FoundHealth profile and notify FoundHealth.
Step 2: Share 3 quality experiences – FoundHealth will promote your post & profile on Twitter & LinkedIn.
Step 3: Share 7 quality experiences – FoundHealth will promote your post & profile on Google + & Facebook.
Step 4: Share 10 shared experiences – FoundHealth will allow you to write articles for FoundHealth's blog. Your personal bio, LinkedIn, and other relevant links can be incorporated.
Step 5: After 3 quality blogs, FoundHealth will incorporate your Profile in FoundHealth’s newsletter.
Step 6: If you stay frequently involved with FoundHealth over the course of 3 months, you'll receive a LinkedIn recommendation from FoundHealth’s management team.
As you progress through each step of the process, notify Vikram Singh, FoundHealth's community manager, at
To create a FoundHealth profile:
- Click ‘Sign Up’ on top right corner of screen.
- After signing up & signing in, choose ‘Profile’ on top right.
- The ‘Update Profile’ and ‘Change Picture’ options are on the right side of screen.
To share an experience on FoundHealth:
- Choose any treatment or health challenge & treatment page.
- Click on ‘I’ve Tried It’ or ‘I’ve Prescribed It’.
If you are an health expert and are interested in contributing research articles or blogs to FoundHealth, please contact
Health Challenge: A Health Challenge is any physical or psychological challenge that might be faced by a person. It is typically a specific health condition or ailment vs. a category of diseases, e.g. Brain Cancer is a health challenge versus Cancer which is a category of challenges.
Substance: A substance is a pharmaceutical drug, herb, vitamin or supplement that would be ingested or used by a patient to relieve symptoms or cure a health challenge.
Treatment: A treatment is any solution applied towards a health challenge. This broad category includes therapies, wellness and substances.
Article Writers: Article Writer(s) are the contributors that helped to create a specific article. A view of the article writer's profile can provide some relevant information about their expertise on the specific topic that they have contributed on.
Medicine: These solutions would typically administered by a medical doctor. Examples: Drugs or Surgery
Herbs: These solutions originate in nature and can be found in the form of whole herbs or distilled into other substances. Examples: Ginseng or Shatavari
Nutrition: These solutions are centered on food and supplements that can promote healing. Examples: Vitamin C or Aspragus.
Body: These solutions involve manipulation of the body to achieve healing. Examples: Exercise , Massage or Acupuncture
Mind: These solutions are associated with manipulations of the mind to achieve healing. Examples: Meditation or Psychotherapy
Spirit: These solutions do not fit neatly into any of the other categories. Examples: Prayer or Spiritual Healing.